Adding Assets

Single or multiple local files or assets already in the system can be selected and added to the job data sheet as an asset.

Prerequisite:Closed If the Image variable is present in the form of the Add Asset button on the data sheet, authorized users can use it to add locally stored files or existing assets from the Media Pool to the data sheet.


Multiple use of the same asset in the Image of the open job data sheet is not possible.

You have three options for adding one or more assets to the job data sheet:

  • Uploading a File From the Computer

    If you want to attach one or more files to the data sheet that are stored locally on your computer or on a server, use the function Upload new assets.

  • Adding From Own Collection

    The assets are already in the system and have been preselected by you after the upload and stored in a collection. You use the command to add an asset from your Media Pool collection Own DSE images to the data sheet.

  • Selecting an Existing Asset

    For the purpose of creating a new image flyer, you want to find an asset in the Media Pool, select it, and place it on the data sheet. The Image is located on its own tab.